Please review the following changes before Friday 26th EOB

Dear all,

We were discussing the following changes in the TF yesterday. Please review them and provide wording suggestions if you have them
by Friday EOB.


1. Module 3: Forms

1.1 Addresses use of placeholders as labels from a content authors perspective

* Topic Labels, teaching ideas, first bullet -- Added bit for authors to avoid the use of placeholder text and to have labels
persistently visible on the page. "... Explain that several groups of users require labels that are persistently visible on the
page. Content authors should avoid the use of placeholder text that disappears when the user gets to the form field or control.
Show how successful form interaction becomes difficult or impossible when labels are not accessible".

1.2 Avoids potential inconsistencies  when specifying different roles responsibilities,

* Topic Labels, intro, second paragraph -- Changed to: "Authoring tools may or may not produce accessible labels. When the latter
occurs, different team members, including content authors, designers, and developers, need to collaborate to specify the text and
appearance of the label as well as to associate the label with its corresponding control".

* Topic Instructions, intro, second paragraph -- Changed to: "Authoring tools may or may not produce accessible instructions. When
the latter occurs, different team members, including content authors, designers, and developers, need to collaborate to specify the
text and appearance of the instructions as well as to implement the instructions".

* Topic Error Messages, intro, second paragraph -- Changed to: "Authoring tools may or may not produce accessible error messages.
When the latter occurs, different team members, including content authors, designers, and developers, need to collaborate to
specify the appearance of the error messages as well as to implement the error messages".


2. Module 5: Data Tables

* Learning outcomes, fifth bullet --  Reinforced message that layout tables should be avoided. Changed "collaborate with designers
and developers to present multi-column content using CSS styles instead of layout tables" to "explain the accessibility
considerations of using layout tables and avoid using layout tables when possible"


Please provide your feedback by replying to this email or by creating a GitHub issue:

Thank you all very much for your very useful contributions.


Daniel Montalvo

Accessibility Education and Training Specialist

Received on Wednesday, 24 August 2022 14:48:01 UTC