No meeting Tuesday May 4 -- please save time during the week for questions on involving PWDs

Hello dear TF participants,

There will be no TF meeting tomorrow, Tuesday May 4.

I am working on teaching ideas and ideas to assess knowledge for modules and topics.

There was an important aspect we discussed last week. It is about the different ways in which organizations can involve people with
disabilities, directly or indirectly, and how current module 1 "Inclusive Design" could focus more on the overall added value of
involving people with disabilities rather than on specific techniques or activities that some organizations cannot afford. I am
working also on rewriting these learning outcomes and I would ask everybody to take a look at them in the coming days. Specific
questions will be on a separate email once these learning outcomes are ready.

Thanks for your valuable contributions.



Daniel Montalvo

Accessibility Education and Training Specialist

Received on Monday, 3 May 2021 10:53:01 UTC