Courses specifically on web design you recommend having a look at? Please send during the week

Hello TF participants,

I have put together a wiki page where I list some courses for web designers and key terms used in such courses.

We are looking specifically at terminology that is key for designers, and how different courses teach aspects related to web

I am asking you if you could refer me to some courses specifically on web design. You may have been involved in creating/teaching
web designers and have some available materials to share. You may know of a course that you think will help us align our curricula
to current trends for teaching designers.

Please send me an email if you have some courses or teaching materials to share, preferably during this week.

Thank you all for your valuable participation and feedback.


Daniel Montalvo

Accessibility Education and Training Specialist

Received on Tuesday, 23 March 2021 09:51:50 UTC