RE: [Agenda] WAI Curricula Task Force Teleconference Tuesday March 9

In my case I have a last minute conflict but pretty much in the same boat. I will review the draft later in the week.

Thank you.

From: David Sloan <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 9, 2021 10:40 AM
To: Daniel Montalvo <>;
Subject: Re: [Agenda] WAI Curricula Task Force Teleconference Tuesday March 9

Hi Daniel, all

Belated regrets again for this week-juggling a deadline and preparing for a CSUN session later today.

I plan to make time later this week to review the drafts and share feedback. Sorry again for the short notice.


David Sloan
UX Research Lead

TPG Interactive<>

A Vispero Company<>

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From: Daniel Montalvo <<>>
Date: Monday, 8 March 2021 at 12:43
To:<> <<>>
Subject: [Agenda] WAI Curricula Task Force Teleconference Tuesday March 9

Hello all,

Tuesday March 9 we are going to have another WAI Curricula Task Force


Teleconference link and password:<>


Port 6665.

Channel #wai-curricula


Please have a look at topics and learning outcomes drafts (as well as agenda items) for the following proposed modules:

- Module 1: User Research and Requirements<>

- Module 2: Colors, Styles, and Animations<>

- Module 3: Layout and Spacing<>

- Module 4: Navigation and Interaction<>

Please note this is a first subset of modules. We will be discussing the next subset of modules in the coming weeks.


agenda+ Sequence for first module "User research and requirements".

The module is based on different tasks within user research (researching, gathering requirements) and specifics on working with people with disabilities. But working with people with disabilities could apply to user research and to gathering requirements. Is this topic structure communicating a wrong message that people with disabilities are only involved in usability testing and not before?

agenda+ Is "Colors, Styles, and Animations" the best place to discuss 2.3.3 animation from interactions?

Flashing and motion animations are crucial features as they can create seizures or physical reactions, so it could make sense to have them together at the very beginning of the sequence. However, 2.3.3 requires user interaction, and we discuss interaction more in depth in future modules. Could discussing 2.3.3 at this stage be confusing.

agenda+ Missing Examples of Visual Patterns

We are using "distinguishable styles" in several places, but we are not providing specific  examples of how different page regions or user interface controls should look like. This might be too vague, but WCAG does not get much into the specifics on this. Would it help if we include specific visual patterns associated to page regions, components, and controls to use as examples?


Looking forward to talking to you on Tuesday.



Daniel Montalvo

Accessibility Education and Training Specialist


Received on Tuesday, 9 March 2021 16:10:35 UTC