Team-side strategies for keyboard interactions

Hey Sarah,

How are things?

Back to our discussion on keyboard interactions, I have tried to capture your comments in
* I took a pass at learning outcomes to list keyboard interactions.
* In teaching ideas, second bullet, I added:
  * Reflect with students about keystrokes that are not part of standard keyboard interactions. For example, letter keys together
with modifier keys to perform specific actions. Explain strategies that designers can define depending on the different team roles
and responsibilities. This includes researching commonly used keystrokes for complex interaction patterns, defining the keystrokes
in the design phase, and working with developers to implement such keystrokes.

Does this capture your thoughts? What other strategies should we be pointing at here (if any)?




Daniel Montalvo

Accessibility Education and Training Specialist

Received on Thursday, 24 June 2021 10:20:35 UTC