Designer modules -- first impressions on overall structure and learning outcomes for module

Hey all,

As discussed, I am already putting together some ideas for the designer modules at

Please provide comments via email before Tuesday February 2 on the below questions, as these will help us steer next meeting's

Overall structure. Current proposal follows pretty much the same structure we had for the developers curriculum. I am not quite
convinced that this is the best approach we can take. As always, there are some pros and cons:

Pros -- This structure may give a feeling of consistency through the whole curricula, and may help address those use cases where
the developers and designers part are used together.

Cons -- This structure has the potential risk of people having difficulty realizing what the differences are between the developers
and designers curricula, and may pose some difficulties for use cases where instructors use specifically the designer modules.

[For those who do teaching or training] How do you use to organize your content when teaching designers specifically?

[For everybody] Shall we move to a different structure that better reflects terminology related to designers in the module titles,

- Layout.
- Navigation and landmarks.
- Responsive design.
- Dynamic content and interaction.
- ...

Thanks all for your valuable feedback.



Daniel Montalvo

Accessibility Education and Training Specialist

Received on Thursday, 28 January 2021 12:33:55 UTC