Re: Code -> write markup/write code -- Follow-up questions on learning outcomes

Hi Daniel, all

I like the changes—this conveys a consistency of meaning where we use “write markup” when we are clearly referring to HTML, and “write code” when we may be referring to an activity that involves one or more of HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

I like that distinction, and am in favour of keeping it rather than harmonizing with one phrase.

One suggested tweak for clarity of meaning:
Replace “write code to operate applications using the keyboard”
With “write code to enable applications to be operated using the keyboard”


From: Daniel Montalvo <>
Date: Tuesday, 12 January 2021 at 16:41
To: "" <>
Subject: Code -> write markup/write code -- Follow-up questions on learning outcomes
Resent from: <>
Resent date: Tuesday, 12 January 2021 at 16:41

[Amending wrong subject -- hope it clarifies]


Hello dear TF participants,

As discussed in last meeting [1], I have taken a general pass on learning outcomes that started with "code" and "mark up".

Please review this diff [2] with my latest proposals and answer the following questions via email, if possible, before Friday January 15.

- Would you be in favor of harmonizing them even more and change "write markup" to "write code" in all instances?

- What additional specific changes would you suggest?




Thank you all for your great support and feedback.



Daniel Montalvo

Accessibility Education and Training Specialist


Received on Thursday, 14 January 2021 16:38:39 UTC