WAI Curricula Task Force Meeting January 5 2021

Hello all,

Happy new year!

Tuesday January 5 we are going to have another WAI Curricula Task Force 

Topic: WAI Curricula Task Force Weekly Meeting
Time: January 5, 2021 5:00 PM CET (Central Europe Time)

Teleconference link and password:
(W3C login required).


Port 6665.
Channel #wai-curricula


Agenda+ Rewording for "Recite related requirements"

phrasing for cross-referencing other roles' responsibilities does not click with most of you now. Possible alternatives for
"recite" could be "define", "describe", "identify", "articulate", "relate"

Agenda+ Rewording for "Topics to support the teaching sequence" was "Topics to achieve the learning outcomes"

It seems most of you prefer the previous iteration. Proposal:

- [Section title] "Topics to extend the learning outcomes".
- No explanatory sentence (making sure the title explains it all).

Agenda+ "Code" versus 'implement/apply coding techniques"

Mainly chose "code" as a shorthand for the above. Is there any value in adding the longer phrases to align our learning outcomes
with standard curricula development practices?


Daniel Montalvo

Accessibility Education and Training Specialist

Received on Monday, 4 January 2021 08:31:58 UTC