WAI Curricula Task Force Teleconference -- Tuesday April 13

Hello all,

Tomorrow (April 13) we are going to have another WAI Curricula Task Force 

Topic: WAI Curricula Task Force Meeting
Time: Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 5:00 PM CET (Central Europe Time)

Teleconference link and password:


Port 6665.
Channel #wai-curricula


A preliminary agenda follows. It may be updated before the meeting.

Agenda+ Setting up meeting, choosing scribe

Agenda+ FYIs -- actions to carry out based on survey results:

  - Substitute "ensure" with more appropriate verbs
  - Move "Enough time" from navigation and orientation to "interaction and feedback"

Agenda+ Cross references to developers and authors

Some people think these are going too far and can be interpreted as if the designer needed to explain developers how they should do
their work. Is this a shared view? How could we reduce that perception while still keeping these references?

Agenda+ Merging current "Page Layout" and "Navigation and Orientation"

Some people miss aspects such as appropriate sizes, fonts, landmarks, which could well fit into either "Page Layout" or "Navigation
and Orientation". What if we include these aspects in a newly created module merging these two?

Agenda+ "Informational Design" Correct scope? Correct terminology?

Some pointed out that they miss aspects such as graphical information in module "Informational Design". Would you all be
comfortable if we included these missing aspects in the current "Information Design" module? Stepping back a bit, is "Information
Design" the correct term for these contents?


Daniel Montalvo

Accessibility Education and Training Specialist

Received on Monday, 12 April 2021 09:59:59 UTC