WAI Curricula Task Force Teleconference Meeting Tuesday November 17

Hello all:

Tuesday November 17 we are going to have another WAI Curricula Task Force 

We will be discussing implemented changes based on Task Force and EOWG feedback for the overview resource page containing the
supporting materials.

Topic: WAI Curricula Task Force Weekly Meeting
Time: November 17, 2020 5:00 PM CET (Central Europe Time)

Participation Info:


Port 6665.
Channel #wai-curricula


agenda+ Confirm Scribe

agenda+ Comments / first reactions to new overview page structure

agenda+ Changes made for activities to be more prominent (mainly top summary box and overview table)

agenda+ New approach towards certification/accreditation

  Section explaining the different types of accreditations, certifications, and attestations has been removed. We now explain that
you can use the resource to compare between different certification or accreditation programs, but we do not prescribe or endorse
any accreditation associated with such programs.


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International Numbers: https://mit.zoom.us/u/aB9ZEzaQH

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108109976@zoomcrc.com <mailto:108109976@zoomcrc.com> 

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Daniel Montalvo

Accessibility Education and Training Specialist

Received on Monday, 16 November 2020 12:09:59 UTC