Re: Agenda WAI coordination 15 May 2023

Regrets for today (again, sorry); looking forward to making it soon.

Please note: I am away on the 29th, as I gather several of us may be (public holiday here too).

Best regards,

Matthew Tylee Atkinson (he/him) 
Principal Accessibility Engineer 
TPG Interactive 
A Vispero Company 
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On 15/05/2023, 13:48, "Michael Cooper" < <>> wrote:

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The WAI coordination call is scheduled for Monday, 5 May 2023 at 15:30 UTC: <> <> <;>

1. Infoshare and coordination checks
2. Automatic transcripts update <> <> <;>
3. Coordination project planning
1. Tool accessibility
2. Cross-WAI review procedures
3. Participation support, e.g., tech support
4. Community Group monitoring


Received on Monday, 15 May 2023 14:31:13 UTC