WAI CC Mondays at 14:30 UTC

Thank you to those who provided availability information for the WAI 
coordination call. Based on that and my knowledge of other schedules, 
the best time to meet is:

Mondays at 14:30 UTC

Teleconference information and a link to local time is at:


Let's plan to start this schedule starting next Monday, 23 January. I 
will send an agenda later in the week; please send agenda suggestions in 
the meantime. I will also try to get a calendar invite set up, which 
requires configuration changes from the systems people in this case.


On 2023-01-10 8:32 a.m., Michael Cooper wrote:
> Happy new year everyone! It's time to regroup for 2023 and get the WAI 
> Coordination Call going again. We discussed at the last meeting 
> <https://www.w3.org/2022/12/14-waicc-minutes#t05> making it a 
> half-hour weekly meeting during working hours of North America and 
> Europe. As always, we can revisit if that approach doesn't work out, 
> but I would like to get started with that plan.
> I'm not aware of accessible usable useful online scheduling tools any 
> more, so I will resort to the email approach. If you hope to be a 
> participant in this call, *please send me, off list, times that you 
> could attend*. To overlap time zones, the best time frame to target is 
> 15:00 to 19:00 UTC 
> <https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/timezone/utc>. We recognize 
> that's a narrow window with a lot of other meetings. Please try to be 
> flexible in your availability, for instance considering if small 
> meetings are easily moved if needed.
> I wait a week for replies to trickle in, then will propose a meeting 
> schedule. I apologize that it's almost certain that any time we pick 
> will not work for somebody, and I'll do my best to minimize that.
> Michael

Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2023 11:33:31 UTC