Agenda WAI Coordination Call 16 November 2022

Not sure if this link is working, because I’m getting an access error. Here is the link for the minutes of today’s meeting:

Summary of Topics:

  1.  Updates on transitions – Michael Cooper will be reporting to Ralph
  2.  Infoshare
     *   EOWG is working on videos to publish in early December. They need help, this week, to develop fake web pages to use in video filming. Then will want review of rough-cut video in a short turnaround for any missing/incorrect content.
     *   WAI Adapt is getting ready to publish in 3 weeks
     *   COGA TF – Has an open survey for users of their research documents to help prioritize future work
  3.  Cross-group review procedures
     *   Michael is compiling a list of who (individuals and groups) should be reviewing so communications for reviews are sent to the right people with enough time to complete
     *   A documented procedure for reviews will also be created, and possibly a template
  4.  Research partner organizations
     *   COGA, Mobile and Research Questions Task Forces will work to gather a list of contacts doing research
  5.  Exploration of GitHub projects
     *   Mary Jo will get back to the team after using GitHub Projects for a few months with tips for effective use.
  6.  Glossary project
     *   This is a project we’ll continue to pursue – to consolidate glossary terms used and work on common definitions.

Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2022 23:21:49 UTC