Re: Deadline Friday 11 March, 11:00amET for Accessibility Work at W3C v1

Thanks for the great work, Shawn.

My understanding from your email is that I, as ARIA APG editor and co-chair, should add the ARIA APG current work under the “Wait, Wait, There’s more” section via PR. (Btw, I love the “wait, wait” title. It reminds me of my favorite NPR show, “wait, wait don’t tell me. 😉 )

Is that correct?


From: Shawn Henry <>
Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 11:05 PM
To: Roy Ran <>, Michael Cooper <>, AGWG Chairs <>, <>, <>
Cc: Karen Myers <>, WAI Coordination Call <>
Subject: Deadline Friday 11 March, 11:00amET for Accessibility Work at W3C v1
Hi Team Contacts and Chairs,

I hope you're excited that we're finally getting this done! Here's the nearly final first iteration:!!DZ3fjg!vEaAeQWVpkhdnyDJckYtYHZjX8TpwXfppvpC89ZC1yFiy_l26IZVM053AbL-0Ew%24&amp;;sdata=krf5U6cPjniv4GVsNNT87CkdHrgIeodYc%2BS2EFuNgUs%3D&amp;reserved=0

I hope you have a list of your Working Group's Current Work on a wiki page or elsewhere where it is easy for Chairs to update it (rather than old WAI WG page where staff has to update it). Please add the link to your Current Work list for this section:*wait-wait-theres-more__%3BIw!!DZ3fjg!vEaAeQWVpkhdnyDJckYtYHZjX8TpwXfppvpC89ZC1yFiy_l26IZVM053PADKZ1k%24&amp;;sdata=xxtn8lHswpb7ZiLPVESu9JUEBsv9TbliqYw1Fmq8kkI%3D&amp;reserved=0

Please do any other edits as a Pull Request so I can integrate them with other changes. File for edit:

This is a living document and we can make updates frequently. On Friday morning I'm taking off "draft" and deleting @@ items so it's usable for CSUN.

Thanks much!

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: New page: What WAI is Working On
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 20:44:03 -0600
From: Shawn Henry <>
To: Karen Myers <>, <>

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: New Page: Current Accessibility Work at W3C - for CSUN
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2022 18:17:05 -0600
From: Shawn Henry <>
To: WAI Coordination Call <>, EOWG (E-mail) <>, Karen Myers <>

Hi WAI folks,

We would like to pull together a page listing some current W3C accessibility work. We would like a first iteration before CSUN. Your input is welcome.

Please start by reading the goals, scenarios, and more in:
        Requirements Analysis for What WAI is Working On!!DZ3fjg!vEaAeQWVpkhdnyDJckYtYHZjX8TpwXfppvpC89ZC1yFiy_l26IZVM053vK-_rUc%24&amp;;sdata=RBSIMFqGWgNVYzwpMZWCTctDzxbQIZQLtvzZZn248%2Fk%3D&amp;reserved=0

(That page links to a GitHub issue for comments on the requirements and brainstorms on the title.)

A rough start of potential title, format, and content is here:
        [EARLY DRAFT] Accessibility Work at W3C!!DZ3fjg!vEaAeQWVpkhdnyDJckYtYHZjX8TpwXfppvpC89ZC1yFiy_l26IZVM053AbL-0Ew%24&amp;;sdata=krf5U6cPjniv4GVsNNT87CkdHrgIeodYc%2BS2EFuNgUs%3D&amp;reserved=0

Feel free to create GitHub issues with general suggestions and questions:!!DZ3fjg!vEaAeQWVpkhdnyDJckYtYHZjX8TpwXfppvpC89ZC1yFiy_l26IZVM053VWuXbrA%24&amp;;sdata=oUxwxxqc2Lc8H1rh9Jc3g%2BtaLWBgR1FJUvqgJWE43w4%3D&amp;reserved=0

Feel free to submit Pull Requests with specific suggestions on this file:!!DZ3fjg!vEaAeQWVpkhdnyDJckYtYHZjX8TpwXfppvpC89ZC1yFiy_l26IZVM053sSOrDo8%24&amp;;sdata=RX%2F3DvJby0Pq5FKS0Iz%2FtqmHNgQU8lwU1xCiG4ONf0E%3D&amp;reserved=0

Thanks much for your input!

<!!DZ3fjg!vEaAeQWVpkhdnyDJckYtYHZjX8TpwXfppvpC89ZC1yFiy_l26IZVM053pwXAycA%24&amp;;sdata=AqJ4c%2FbbXEgy6tcIOqMitWoyJjuvwmX5ri4HEcjwCUw%3D&amp;reserved=0 >

Received on Thursday, 10 March 2022 15:20:45 UTC