Getting the 'Global' in GAAD - Translations from W3C WAI

Dear WAI Groups,

We are excited to announce that W3C now has accessibility resources in 35 languages. Thanks to the translators!

Along with Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) *this Thursday* 20 May, we are promoting W3C accessibility translations:
 All WAI Translations

Would you consider ways to help with outreach? Maybe:
* Including news of WAI translations in GAAD sessions
* Retweeting w3c_wai
* Tweeting in your language
* Sharing via LinkedIn and other media
* ...

Posted tweets are here:
Draft tweets planned for later this week:

Also, if you know anyone who might be interested in contributing to more accessibility translations, please point them to:
 Translating WAI Resources

Many thanks for your help spreading the news.

~Shawn Lawton Henry

Received on Monday, 17 May 2021 17:13:44 UTC