Re: Updating Working Group pages [was [minutes] WAI-CC 30 June 2021]

In my opinion, I think there is still too much on the template page.  
That should ONLY be two pointers to two pages:

For information on the group charter, participants, staff contacts, see 
the <link> W3C group page </link>

For information on meetings and current and archived work, see the 
<link> group wiki </link> (or Github page)

Believe me.  I have had to adjust to the vast inconvenience of not have 
team permissions to edit.  It's a real nuisance. The less on the 
team-editable page the better.  Make it really really simple and point 
to pages that the chairs edit.


On 6/30/2021 4:15 PM, Shawn Henry wrote:
>>     james: Making updating web pages easier would really help
>>     <tzviya> +1 to jamesn
>>     judy: Believe that became "make the wiki the main thing"
>  >     <Judy> [JB: hears that using Wiki as the main thing is NOT
>>     satisfactory]
>>     janina offers github repo in APA seems OK; PR to Michael
> WAI Staff Contacts will propose that existing WG and TF homes pages be 
> revised to contain minimal information (so as not to need frequent 
> updating) with pointers to specific information in :
> 1. the new W3C Groups page(s), e.g.,
> 2. place(s) where it's easier to update the info - can be GitHub or 
> wiki or propose other (in GitHub would be set up so that Shawn or 
> other WAI staff could update pages on the WAI website, rather than 
> relying only on Michael for some)
> An unpolished rough concept draft template for the revised content is at:
> Next steps:
> * Shawn or someone else edit that draft template
> * Staff contacts review it
> * Bring proposal to Chairs and Facilitators for input
> * Once OKed, someone update all the pages (including integrating 
> Michael's with the main website)
> It's been on my plate for a while, and I haven't gotten to it. Not 
> sure when I can, or if we can find someone else to help...
> In the meantime, Chairs and Facilitators can work with your Staff 
> Contact to create or update GitHub or wiki pages with things like:
> * meeting times and logistics
> * current work, links to GitHub repos
> * other information for participants
> Best,
> ~Shawn

Received on Saturday, 3 July 2021 19:38:19 UTC