Re: WAI Coordination Call, 13 January 2021

Regrets, thanks.


> Judy Brewer <>
> Wednesday 13 January 2021 06:54
> Dear All:
> As our rescheduled meeting time is still pending, as notified in 
> December we are proceeding with our regular meeting time as the 
> default for today.
> *CALL TIME: Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 2:30pm - 3:30pm US Eastern 
> Standard Time. *
> * Zoom Videoconferencing details are available here: *
>     Zoom meeting room id: 960-166-519
>     Additional details on calling are updated at
> For any difficulties logging into the Zoom call, please request info 
> from a *side channel* in the IRC channel *#waicc*
> I hope that all who hoped to get a holiday break got a good one.
> _*AGENDA:*_
> agenda+ Scribe, rrsagent, agenda check, confirming next meeting, present+
> agenda+ Upcoming work and publications 
> agenda+ (Continuing, for those not responded yet) Your groups' 
> priorities for 2021, and other round-table items?
> agenda+ Topic on improving asynchronous communication
> agenda+ APA Community Groups check
> agenda+ Checking for architectural issues to coordinate with non-WAI 
> W3C groups
> agenda+ FYI WAI IG rechartered, are WAI Groups updating list and 
> watching to catch any issues?
> agenda+ Reminder of Strategy Funnel, now Strategy Incubation Pipeline 
> agenda+ AOB? Thank you,
> - Judy
> -- 
> Judy Brewer
> Director, Web Accessibility Initiative
> at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
> 32 Vassar St. Room 385, MIT/CSAIL
> Cambridge MA 02139 USA
> Judy Brewer <>
> Wednesday 21 October 2020 16:27
> Dear All:
> Our next WAI Coordination Call will be Wednesday, November 4.
> Agenda items are welcome in the meantime.
> Sharron, thanks for your agenda item; we'll do that on November 4. If 
> any of those items are timely and coordination with other groups would 
> be useful before November 4, please let me know and we can potentially 
> arrange side meetings.
> There is no call today Oct 21, nor next week Oct 28. In the minutes 
> from our last meeting... 
> <>...I'd incorrectly 
> said that our next meeting would be next week -- October 28 -- but 
> that would have taken us off-cycle with our usual every-other-weekly 
> rotation.
> Given that this week and next are active Technical Plenary and 
> Advisory Committee (TPAC) meeting weeks, we are trying to minimize 
> routine meetings in order to increase the opportunity to participate 
> in TPAC sessions.
> The TPAC agenda is available at 
> Some working group meetings are occurring this week 
> Break-out sessions offered next week are available here: 
> TPAC Help is available at 
> Best,
> - Judy
> -- 
> Judy Brewer
> Director, Web Accessibility Initiative
> at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
> 32 Vassar St. Room 385, MIT/CSAIL
> Cambridge MA 02139 USA

Emerging Web Technology Specialist/Accessibility (WAI/W3C)

Received on Wednesday, 13 January 2021 15:30:08 UTC