Re: WAI Coordination Call, 23 September 2020 Agenda


  * agenda+ CSUN -- checking in whether or what WAI-related proposals

Correction of last meeting's minutes link:


For those who are in crunch mode (myself included), we can aim for a 
short meeting today.


- Judy

On 9/23/2020 1:42 AM, Judy Brewer wrote:
> Dear All:
> *CALL TIME: Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 2:30pm - 3:30pm US Eastern 
> Daylight time. *
> Corresponding times in other zones are:
>  Zoom Videoconferencing details are available here:
>     Zoom meeting room id: 960-166-519
>     Additional details on calling are updated at
> For any difficulties, please request info from *side channel* in IRC 
> channel #waicc
>     Minutes of previous meeting: 
> Agenda additions are welcome. Please advise me of any regrets. Thanks!
> _*AGENDA:*_
> agenda+ Scribe, rrsagent, agenda, confirming next meeting
> agenda+ Group participants all registered for TPAC registration open 
> -- note communication accessibility provisions 
> agenda+ Diversity fund
> agenda+ XR activities and coordination
> agenda+ Publications and announcements
> agenda+ Follow up on Daisy Paper
> agenda+ Updates on new work
> agenda+ AOB?
> Thank you,
> - Judy
> -- 
> Judy Brewer
> Director, Web Accessibility Initiative
> at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
> 32 Vassar St. Room 385, MIT/CSAIL
> Cambridge MA 02139 USA
Judy Brewer
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative
at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
105 Broadway, Room 7-128, MIT/CSAIL
Cambridge MA 02142 USA

Received on Wednesday, 23 September 2020 15:47:03 UTC