Zoom accessibility support very responsive



I sent to the accessibility support about my problem entering the password.
This was different from Janina's issue.


They responded in less than an hour, and were unable to replicate the issue.
After rebooting my computer, I could not replicate this issue. I had this
haven several times this week, and I will continue to track this until I can


I suspect that it may be related to when Windows goes to sleep that once it
wakes up, it may still have some things sleeping, e.g. some registers messed








George Kerscher Ph.D.

-In our Information Age, access to information is a fundamental human right.

Chief Innovations Officer, DAISY Consortium

 <http://www.daisy.org> http://www.daisy.org

Senior Advisor, Global Literacy, Benetech

 <http://www.benetech.org> http://www.benetech.org

President, International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) 

 <http://www.idpf.org> http://www.idpf.org

Member of the National Museum and Library Services  Board (IMLS)

 <http://www.imls.gov> http://www.imls.gov

Chair Steering Council Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), a division of the

 <http://www.w3c.org/wai> http://www.w3c.org/wai 

Phone: +1 406/549-4687

Cell:+1 406/544-2466 

Email:  <mailto:kerscher@montana.com> kerscher@montana.com


Received on Thursday, 9 April 2020 15:35:32 UTC