Minutes from WAI Coordination Call of 26 September

Minutes from the WAI CC teleconference of 26 September are provided below as
text. They're available as hypertext at:



                                                                                   - DRAFT -

                                                                     WAI Coordination Call Teleconference

26 Sep 2018


          Katie_Haritos-Shea, janina, jamesn, Judy, Joanmarie_Diggs, tzviya

          George, Jeanne




     * Topics
         1. scribe, rrsagent, agenda, next meeting date
         2. check on upcoming publications & announcements
         3. translations, priorities for documents
         4. standards harmonization, latest on WCAG 2.1 uptake
         5. workshop watch: additional upcoming workshops; "funnel" feedback
         6. continue APA's Community Group update, liaisons needed for
         7. Any WG or TF updates or infoshare?
         8. reminding groups meeting at TPAC to register
         9. CSUN papers due soon
        10. ARIA charter update
     * Summary of Action Items
     * Summary of Resolutions

   <Judy> trackbot, start meeting

   <scribe> scribe: janina

scribe, rrsagent, agenda, next meeting date

   jb: Looking at October 10
   ... I may be on the road

   <Judy> jb may be on the road

   jb: Anyone knows they'll be unavailable the 10th?
   ... Profvisional plan to meet next on the 10th

check on upcoming publications & announcements

   jb: Anything pending?

   jd: Believe MC did graphics aam

   jb: Believe forwarded to plh
   ... Asks that it has left the WG and is in process?

   jd: Yes

   <tzviya> https://www.w3.org/community/pwe/

   ts: will be speaking at AC mtg

   <tzviya> please add it to https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/blob/master/ReferencesAndResources.md

   <AWK> Talking with Shadi about plans for ACT's CR for Rules format but don't have a date yet

   awk: Not sure how soon ...

   jb: Believe saz coordinating with mc on that ...
   ... Have you looked at exit criteria?

   awk: not yet

   jb: these and aria aam specs are somewhat different with respect to usual api expectations--getting attention for clearer expectations of exit criteria

translations, priorities for documents

   jb: Hope to be updating some materials, not ready for announcement, though
   ... We'll be looking for input on which docs may be priorities for translation updates

   khs: Quick Reference perhaps?

   jb: Hoping to do authorized translations of docs that are not recommendations--but that's not yet a done deal

   <Ryladog> I would suggest Quick Ref and Tuturials

   jb: This is the feedback we need

   ts: ARIA Authoring

   jd: Believe Authoring would be more useful than the spec itself. This is where we want authors to focus

   jb: Authoring Practices higher priority than the ARIA spec?

   <tzviya> +1 to joanie

   jd: Yes

   jn: yes

   khs: yes

   janina: yes

   [no disagreement]

   jb: Believe ATAG?

   <Ryladog> The Quick Checks in EO

   khs: Lots of anecdotal comment on the usefulness of those

   ts: ARIA in HTML? Is that Web Platform?

   jd: Web Platform

   jb: But WAI isn't the question--it's best docs to make available

   jd: Understand primary audience of ARIA in HTML is validator creators

   jn: asks ts whether she meant Using ARIA?

   ts: No, it's useful to me when figuring out how to write an epub spec

   jb: Recalling questions about epub translations

   <Ryladog> I was thinking ePub too

   ts: Yes, about 5 langs

   jb: Chinese/

   ts: Yes

standards harmonization, latest on WCAG 2.1 uptake

   jb: China draft revisions pushed back
   ... Roy and saz attended mtgs explaining why of changes in WCAG 2.1
   ... Interested to hear from anyone with interested colleagues in China

workshop watch: additional upcoming workshops; "funnel" feedback

   <Judy> https://www.w3.org/blog/2018/09/announcing-the-immersive-web-working-group/

   jb: This is Immersive Web, and we need a11y people!
   ... KHS, can you advise WAI-IG about this work?

   khs: Immersive Web?

   <Ryladog> will do!

   jb: Yes, a useful FYI -- just letting people know about the new work

   janina: Noting Permissions Workshop now on going with Ted Drake representing APA
   ... Hope to have update on outcomes next mtg

continue APA's Community Group update, liaisons needed for

   jb: Want to continue checking acquainting the CGs on a11y where we think useful ...

   <Judy> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Community_Groups

   <Judy> https://www.w3.org/2018/09/12-waicc-minutes.html#item06

   janina: No current edits pending from APA--though some would be useful

   jb: Asking for APA to tighten up the page
   ... We want a11y knwoledge embedded in some of these

   <scribe> ACTION: janina to tighten wiki, activity -- see github tooling -- last looked at date -- a11y liason name

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-13 - Tighten wiki, activity -- see github tooling -- last looked at date -- a11y liason name [on Janina Sajka - due 2018-10-03].

Any WG or TF updates or infoshare?

   <Ryladog> Ok, I iwll put notice on WAI

   janina: Noting imminent Spoken Pronunciation TF to go CfC in APA; followed by recruiting, WAI-IG, etc
   ... Hoping for publishing plus browsers participating

   awk: ag looking at next activities, process, technical work, etc.
   ... Now on new techniques
   ... Will be at tpac considering 2.2 or silver?

reminding groups meeting at TPAC to register

   <tzviya> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TPAC2018/registrants

   jb: Wondering whether registration for participation is going well/ above? below expectation?

   awk: Are we able to check?

   jb: Unsure

   jn: What to do with observers?

   jb: List ov observer requests team needs to check against member, etc., status
   ... Had observer requests from non members
   ... Formal OK from chairs is important in this case
   ... See several questions here

CSUN papers due soon

   jb: Believe 2 October is deadline for submissions

ARIA charter update

   jb; APA announced on IG by Leoni

   jb: Still working on ARIA charter
   ... Issue is around proper AAM testing
   ... Other business? ...

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: janina to tighten wiki, activity -- see github tooling -- last looked at date -- a11y liason name

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

Present: Katie_Haritos-Shea janina jamesn Judy Joanmarie_Diggs tzviya
Regrets: George Jeanne
Found Scribe: janina
Found Date: 26 Sep 2018
People with action items: janina


Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:	http://a11y.org

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures	http://www.w3.org/wai/apa

Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2018 19:39:31 UTC