Re: WAI Coordination Call, 23 May 2018: Agenda

Conflicts with another meeting.

James Nurthen  |  Accessibility Engineer  |  Adobe  |  p. 415.832.2734  |  c. 415.987.1918  |

On 5/22/18, 10:08 PM, "Judy Brewer" <> wrote:

    Dear All:
    A preliminary agenda follows. Please send additions as needed.
    Webex info is available at this non-public page:

    Minutes from our recent call are available at:

    Talk with you soon.
    Best regards,
    - Judy
    CALL TIME: Wednesday, May 23, 2018, 2:30pm - 3:45pm US Eastern Standard 
    Corresponding times in other time zones are:
    agenda+ Confirm scribe, rrsagent, agenda, next meeting date
    agenda+ Any debrief with regard to accessibility from AC meeting?
    agenda+ Checking on TPAC scheduling; issues, joint meeting requests?
    agenda+ Upcoming announcements of accessibility documents publishing?
    agenda+ Finding new resources on new WAI site?
    agenda+ Reminder of WCAG 2.1 testimonials request
    agenda+ Update on potentially accessibility-related community groups, 
    including needing liaisons?
    agenda+ Any other business?
    Thank you,
    - Judy
    Judy Brewer
    Director, Web Accessibility Initiative
    at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
    32 Vassar St. Room 385, MIT/CSAIL
    Cambridge MA 02139 USA


Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2018 17:32:46 UTC