Feedback beyond EOWG charter

WAI Coordination folks,

We received some comments in response to the EOWG charter review that are broader than EOWG. While some of these may have an EOWG component in the future, some are not in EOWG's scope, some are not a specific priority for EOWG right now, and for some EOWG does not currently have participants with relevant expertise.

We appreciate assistance getting this input to the appropriate groups and individuals:
* Proactive on accessibility guidance related to emerging issues, such as Vibration API, Push/Notifications APIs, and Gamepad API, and on graphics accessibility
* Internationalizing the accessibility work at W3C (beyond translations), including increased attention on the "crossover" issue of sign language users, since that community includes many who see their issue as one of language rather than disability
* Standardization of gestures across OS on touchscreen devices (POS, EFTPOS, kiosks etc)

Member-visible comments are here:
* and reply: <>


Received on Tuesday, 15 August 2017 21:07:48 UTC