Re: Reminder: WAI Coordination Call (WAICC) 6 July 2016: Agenda and Call-In Information

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 On Jul 6, 2016, 5:33:34 AM, wrote:
 Date: Jul 6, 2016 5:33:34 AM
 Subject: Re: Reminder: WAI Coordination Call (WAICC) 6 July 2016: Agenda and Call-In Information
  On Wed, 06 Jul 2016 04:20:06 +0200, Judy Brewer  wrote:
  > agenda+ WAI IG: Any upcoming announcement needs, or discussion threads  
  > that need promoting? Any discussions to capture from WAI IG for other  
  > groups?
  HTML has an open call for consensus to publish an HTML 5.2 Working Draft
  > agenda+ ARIA: password role all set for now? Expected HTML 5.1 pwd  
  > behavior clarified? Asynchronous communication mechanism for APA WG  
  > process reminded?
  I doubt the password role is all set in reality. We have concerns about it.
    There is no password role in ARIA 1.1. Regarding HTML password, browsers have introduced ways for people to view password for auto completes by opening a persons browser and viewing the password value. This is new in the past few years.
    Really, what is needed is for the security people to engineer a replacement for passwords longer term. They are also poor for people with cognitive impairments and the aging. You and I have discussed this in the past. I spoke with Leonie about this yesterday and she agrees that the world would benefit from new authentication mechanisms. I will also be reaching out to Wendy too. 
    > agenda+ HTML 5.1 CR Diffs: Checking APA HTML 5.1 CR diff review status
  Also, we're going to open an issue on HTML passwords in 5.2, if APA / Rich  
  > agenda+ Liaison needs: Community Groups, new WGs, Workshops with  
  > accessibility angles?
  The editing Task Force - working on e.g. contenteditable, selection, etc  
  of the Web Platform Group has a face to face in the California bay area on  
  July 29
  Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex - - - Find more at

Received on Wednesday, 6 July 2016 11:36:55 UTC