Re: Replacing old Training pages

[removing public list from this internal discussion]

Andrew Arch wrote:
> Thinking about the logistics of this:

Here are my initial thoughts in response:

> Old pages:
> - Overview.html
> - ad.html (setup)
> - cr.html (curricula)
> - lo.html (objectives)
> - pe.html (tips)
> - ra.html (modules)
> ad/cr/lo/pe/ra.html all get replaced with a message about new material:
> "the Training suite was updated in 2010 - please refer to Overview.html"
> or something more informative?

My preference is to reuse these filenames but I could be negotiated 
otherwise because I think the URIs are not used widely.

> Old pages get relocated to ?? for posterity

We could also do server-side redirects since these are permanent moves.

> New pages (current names > suggested names):
> - Overview.html
> - topics.html (topics/modules)
> - scenarios.html > presentations.html (presentations)
> - example-workshop.html > training.html (workshop)

I think "training.html" would then have the URI
  - <>

I'm not particularly fond of "training/presentations.html" either but 
could live with it. Maybe:

Pretty long the last two but less generic and more explanatory.

> Status gets moved to bottom, rewording suggestion:
> "Status: This document is an editor's draft published for review (30 
> March 2010).  Please send comments to (a publicly 
> archived list)."
> Drop "Draft" from title (and H1?).

I think we should keep the status at the top and "Draft" everywhere, at 
least until EOWG did a thorough review.

> Sure I'm missing something - comments?

Footers, left navigation, and cross-linking to "/WAI/presentations/" 
needs to be considered too, if you haven't already done so.


Shadi Abou-Zahra - |
   WAI International Program Office Activity Lead   |
  W3C Evaluation & Repair Tools Working Group Chair |

Received on Friday, 30 April 2010 11:40:33 UTC