persona / scenario for a blind person

dear wai-age tf,

here is a persona / scenario for a blind person. this is largely based
on a real person, but we slightly modified the setting to a more ideal
(accessible) world.

* female person, about 55, blind since her youth.
* rather experienced internet user.
* using the web with a screenreader supported by a braille-line.
* one of the more important tasks on the web is managing her
   bank-account which would otherwise be problematic. in a brick and
   mortare bank she would always need a second person to fill her forms
   as it is not allowed to the clerk to do this for her (four-eyes
* managing a bank-account online requires trust and security for every
   single action taken. therefore there are certain key criterias on her
   bank's website to support trust and security feelings. such as:
* login: there are apart from the captcha based login two alternatives:
   audio-captcha and a login-method including mobile phone short
* all form elements are labeled properly, graphical buttons have helpful
* helpful information about success or failure of every transaction,
   placed easy to find and always at the same position (beginning of
   content and title-element of page).
* it's also important to find her way within a page by either using
   skip-links or having a header-structure to support this (note: if
   scenario is too long and detailed, we can skip this).

maybe we can extend this by an anecdote that finding a bank with an 
accessible web interface was reason enough for her to change her bank. 
(actually it was the other way round, she could convince the bank to fix 
some of the problems.)

hope this helpful, feedback appreciated.
it would be helpful if a native speaker could help to bring this into 
proper english sentences.

BTW: i'm once again afraid that i will be back in time from a meeting to 
join the teleconf tomorrow ;-(

regards, michael

Michael Stenitzer     | WIENFLUSS KG
t: +43 (650) 9358770  | proschkogasse 1/5 | 1060 wien
f: +43 (1) 23680199   |

Received on Tuesday, 25 August 2009 21:05:53 UTC