Re: WAI-AGE task force

I would like to see a more "pro-active" approach to this important matter.

The important thing is to try to make contact with *anybody* responsible for
the Website. Somehow there should be a more imperative tone to asking for a

All of the material in this document seems like it's trying to placate
offenders, who are after all mostly either unaware of accessibility rules or
disinterested in dealing with them. The latter are basically scofflaws and
we need to find some way to help them get over their attitude in this

The bottom line of all this is that what they are doing is against the law
and there are always consequences from ignoring that.

Everyone I know who has been trying the methods outlined here has had
essentially zero results therefrom. We need to figure out how to make this
particular cheese more binding!


On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 5:52 AM, Andrew Arch <> wrote:

> Dear Task Force,
> As per schedule, we are meeting this Wednesday at the usual time:
> Teleconference Bridge:
>  + / +44.117.370.6152 / +1.617.761.6200
> Teleconference code: 9243# (WAGE#)
> IRC: Channel - #waiage; server -; port - 6665
> *Agenda:*
> Responding to Organizations with Inaccessible Websites
> - requirements:
> - initial draft:
> For consideration this week:
> - audience for the document
> - overall reactions to initial draft
> - title of the document
> - tone of document
> - walk through
>  - contacting
>  - reporting
>  - follow up
>  - samples
>  - resources
> As always, if you can send your views and comments by email we can consider
> them in advance.
> Thanks, Andrew
> --
> Andrew Arch
> Web Accessibility and Ageing Specialist
> W3C/ERCIM, Sophia Antipolis, France
> Ph +33 (0)4 92 38 79 46

Received on Monday, 9 February 2009 15:09:02 UTC