- From: Suzette Keith <S.Keith@mdx.ac.uk>
- Date: Thu, 09 Apr 2009 13:57:51 +0100
- To: public-wai-age@w3.org
- Message-id: <45272C367897174E94DEE1D40C5F0CA708BA3B02@MDX-CLX-DC1.uni.mdx.ac.uk>
Dear All I am working with the IDEN (Inclusive Design Economy Network). Alan Newell has been working on a 'user sensitive' approach to ageing for some time now. At Dundee they have an excellent track record on participation and have their own drop-in centre where older people can learn about computing, internet etc, and by way of trade become participants in the research work and in education through the student projects. Vicki Hanson ex IBM has just taken over as head of the research centre at Dundee, as Alan is 'retired' (but still working). IDEN members are just in the process of reporting back on the results of the network which had funding for about 12-18 months - so there should be more 'content' including the results of the literature search coming on to the website in the next few months. I was just talking to the person running the lit search and am looking forward to seeing a strong ethnographic focus which sets out the 'real' context. Best wishes for the holiday/Easter weekend. Suzette From: public-wai-age-request@w3.org [mailto:public-wai-age-request@w3.org] On Behalf Of William Loughborough Sent: 09 April 2009 13:04 To: Darren Lunn; public-wai-age@w3.org Subject: Re: WAI-AGE task force teleconf Thank you for the link. When I examine research efforts in this field I always suspect that "Nothing About Us Without Us" isn't as honored as I would like. So many academic undertakings are much heavier on perpetuating old myths about those whom they "study" that it gets frustrating. I'm not claiming such about the linked-to UK stuff, but the results in Andrew/Shadi survey of past research in the area of ageing and computer/Web issues is almost all exemplary of this mindset. Love. On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Darren Lunn <darren.lunn@cs.manchester.ac.uk> wrote: Hi all, In today's meeting we discussed eGovernment. One resource that could potentially be made use of is the work carried out by the Inclusive Digital Economy Network led by Alan Newell at Dundee University. The goal of the Network was to identify the challenges faced by older and disabled people when using ITC within a digital economy and what needs to be considered to ensure nobody is excluded from a digital society. While the work focused on ITC in general, I think there may be scope to apply some of their work to The Web. The Website of the Digital Inclusion group can be found at: <http://www.iden.org.uk/>. Regards Darren ========================================= University of Manchester (UK) Human Centred Web Lab http://hcw.cs.manchester.ac.uk email: darren.lunn@cs.manchester.ac.uk tel: +44 (0)161 275 6239 url: http://homepages.cs.manchester.ac.uk/~lunnd <http://homepages.cs.manchester.ac.uk/%7Elunnd> On 6 Apr 2009, at 16:49, Andrew Arch wrote: Dear Task Force, As per schedule, we are meeting this Wednesday (8 April) at the usual time in Europe and the USA now that we are back in sync with daylight saving: http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wai-age/teleconf.html#meetings Teleconference Bridge: + / +44.117.370.6152 / +1.617.761.6200 Teleconference code: 9243# (WAGE#) IRC: Channel - #waiage; server - irc.w3.org; port - 6665 Scribe: Darren (Suzette?) http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wai-age/teleconf.html#scribes *Agenda:* 1. *Welcome* 2. *Improving Access to Government* Please review "Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web" at http://www.w3.org/TR/egov-improving/ from an accessibility outreach and education perspective, that is, how the document addresses accessibility, people with disabilities, and older users with accessibility needs. This document was reviewed by EOWG recently and notes are being compiled (see http://www.w3.org/2009/03/27-eo-minutes initially, and look out for an EOWG email referenceing the compiled notes), but some further input from the perspective of older people may be appropriate. Please send comments to the mailing list for discussion at this week's teleconference. 3. *WAI-AGE slides* - change log: http://www.w3.org/WAI/WAI-AGE/Drafts/slides/cl-waiage-slides.html - latest draft: http://www.w3.org/WAI/WAI-AGE/Drafts/slides/overview.html Check that you are reading April 2009 drafts. The draft has been through additional editing after our last discussion and some feedback from Shadi that I hope makes it more balanced and complete. This week I would like to go through the slides one final time before EOWG approves for publishing. Regards, Andrew -- Andrew Arch Web Accessibility and Ageing Specialist http://www.w3.org/People/Andrew/ http://www.w3.org/WAI/WAI-AGE/
Received on Thursday, 9 April 2009 12:59:15 UTC