RE: WAI-AGE task force teleconf

 Dear AGE TF,

I have submitted my comments on *Improving Access to Government* directly to eGov IG and copied them to EOWG as well.

On the slides, some minor things:
* Presenter's words to the "Presentation overview" slide. First sentence. I think the word "requirement" is too strong and formal in the context of this presentation. I would rather say "needs".

* On the slide "Ageing and functional impairment" at the bottom there is a bullet "Information overload". I don't think this is really an age related cognitive limitation per se. Any age group lives now in information overloaded environment. But as we are getting older it is becoming more diffficult to cope with this information overload and digest all information thrown to us in various modalities. So I'd rather rephrase it to something like: Difficulty to absorb/cope with information overload.

* On the implications slide. It give a mixed message if I can say so. What is the correlation between the 3 lines of bold text? What is the correlation between the bold text and the bullets? Is "Implications" actually the right title for this slide and is this title the logical continuation of the story of age related physical complications. In plain text the message behind this slide is: despite all age related physical complications ageing population is expected to be on par with the younger one in terms of using the web. The motivation behind might be the same for all age groups like case of some services and shops operating online only. Or it might be diferent because what is a choice of preference for a younger person might be the only remedy for an older one, e.g. social networking helps people stay in touch when they physically have difficulties to move around or obtaining information online rather than having to show up in person might make life of an older person easier.

Also the last bullet does not quite fit with the rest of the bullets. Should we split this slide into two with one concentrating on "brick and mortar and paper world is changing to cyber world" and no age groups can escape it. And the second slide concentrating on the abovelisted age related impairments forcing people to cyberworld away from the brick and mortar world. And here comes the criticality of web being accessible to older population.

* "Other observations from the literature" slide. Is it in the rigth place? Ther eis "Observations from the literature" slide followed by "Accessibility considerations", "Usability improvements" and many slides presenting WAI guidelines. Should literature observations be concentrated in one place?

* Some title mismatch. There are 3 slides: Importance of WCAG 2.0, browser usability and web authoring. They together present a big part of WAI story. Not diminishing WCAG, to keep all the slides on the same level the WCAG slide should be titled "(Web) content accessibility" Also I don't really like ARIA to be ommitted alltogether. ARIA addresses rich applications and is no less important that WCAG. Also looking at these slides together do you think there is a neeed for one introductory slide on WAI itself?

Br, Anna

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of ext Andrew Arch
Sent: 06 April, 2009 18:49
Subject: WAI-AGE task force teleconf

Dear Task Force,

As per schedule, we are meeting this Wednesday (8 April) at the usual time in Europe and the USA now that we are back in sync with daylight
Teleconference Bridge:
   + / +44.117.370.6152 / +1.617.761.6200 Teleconference code: 9243# (WAGE#)
IRC: Channel - #waiage; server -; port - 6665
Scribe: Darren (Suzette?)

1. *Welcome*

2. *Improving Access to Government*
Please review "Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web" at from an accessibility outreach and education perspective, that is, how the document addresses accessibility, people with disabilities, and older users with accessibility needs.

This document was reviewed by EOWG recently and notes are being compiled (see initially, and look out for an EOWG email referenceing the compiled notes), but some further input from the perspective of older people may be appropriate. Please send comments to the mailing list for discussion at this week's teleconference.

3. *WAI-AGE slides*
- change log:
- latest draft:

Check that you are reading April 2009 drafts. The draft has been through additional editing after our last discussion and some feedback from Shadi that I hope makes it more balanced and complete. This week I would like to go through the slides one final time before EOWG approves for publishing.

Regards, Andrew

Andrew Arch
Web Accessibility and Ageing Specialist

Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2009 09:33:35 UTC