Re: WAI-AGE task force agenda - 1-Oct-2008

Hi Michael,

Michael Stenitzer wrote:
> while it is true that more and more older users are experienced and 
> frequent web users, we see that even those people have often problems 
> with new interface concepts and complex interfaces. so it seems to me 
> that age might counteract experience sometimes.

Add to that the fact that older people online started from a low 
proportion, particularly in the older-old group, and we still have 
experience as an issue (albeit a declining one) for some time. Also, in 
many cases they are not online as often as younger people, which, 
combined with Mild Cognitive Impairment (including poorer memory), means 
that experience takes longer to gain.

> just my 2cents
> /michael
> PS: shawn, we have collected some general feedback and ideas for the 
> business cases. is that at the agenda of EOWG right now? shall i post it 
> to the list? shall we discuss it @cannes?

WAI-AGE is tackling the initial update to the Business Case as per the 
project deliverables. Any thoughts/ideas would be welcome on the list - 
we can then discuss them during a task-force meeting.


> William Loughborough wrote:
>> You took the words right out of my email draft!
>> In fact, it's likely to be untrue already. The other thing is that 
>> when one is "initiated" into using the Web it becomes addictive for a 
>> significant proportion of those who are properly introduced to it.
>> Love.
>> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 9:08 AM, Shawn Henry < 
>> <>> wrote:
>>     Thanks for the info, Andrew.
>>     A quick comment on "-stress the fact of older users often fall into
>>     the group 'New and Infrequent Web Users'": While this was true in
>>     the past, it will not be true in the future. Are we already to the
>>     point now where many older users are already using the Web?
>>     ~Shawn
>>     Andrew Arch wrote:
>>         Hello TF participants,
>>         Some additional background and thoughts for this week's
>>         Teleconference:
>>         Andrew Arch wrote:
>>             *AGENDA*:
>>             2. Requirements for revisions to the Business Case for Web
>>             Accessibility
>>               <>
>>              * Is the purpose and objectives clear?
>>              * Is the audience correct?
>>              * Is the approach (not the detailed suggestions) 
>> appropriate?
>>              * If you have additional initial update ideas, please send
>>             them to
>>             the mailing list.
>>         While it might be nice to revisit the Business Case entirely,
>>         the project does not allow for that at this stage. As per the
>>         draft Deliverables [1], the proposal is only to:
>>         # Revise language throughout the suite to be more inclusive of
>>         the needs of older users; and
>>         # add information regarding the demographics of older users to
>>         the section on social factors.
>>         Thus, while I suggested we consider the audience and purpose
>>         this week, it was primarily to check that these was still ok.
>>         Thus, what we really to think about is what are the most
>>         important things that we have found that should be brought into
>>         the business case to strengthen it, including highlighting the
>>         overlap between older users and people with disabilities.
>>         The 'initial ideas' listed in the Requirements Document do not
>>         all have to be incorporated. I suggest the following:
>>         *Overview*
>>         - Examples - just 1 or 2 (older workers, and older citizens)
>>         - mention the "UN Convention on People with Disabilities"
>>         *Social Factors*
>>         - add a reference in "Barriers to Web Use" to
>> to indicate the
>>         numbers of older users with disabilities
>>         - consider changing "Access for Older Users" section to refer to
>>         the requirements of older users and link to
>> for the detail.
>>         However, need to balance the need for WCAG 1.0 referencing
>>         still, vs future proofing for WCAG 2.0.
>>         - stress the fact of older users often fall into the group "New
>>         and Infrequent Web Users"
>>         *Technical Factors*
>>         - essentially provide some linkages to WCAG 2.0
>>         *Financial Factors*
>>         - Within 'increased audience' add demographic changes and older
>>         users and link to the Lit Review appendix for Stats
>>         *Legal and Policy Factors*
>>         - consider adding in reference to older employees and 'age
>>         discrimination' legislation that exists in some jurisdictions
>>         - under "Addressing Multiple Standards" stress the way WCAG 2.0
>>         meets the requirements of older users
>>         Throughout we need to balance the reference to the current WCAG
>>         1.0 with the forthcoming WCAG 2.0.
>>         Regards, Andrew
>>         [1]

Andrew Arch
Web Accessibility and Ageing Specialist
W3C/ERCIM, Sophia Antipolis, France
Ph +33 (0)4 92 38 79 46

Received on Wednesday, 1 October 2008 07:05:15 UTC