Additional document with various recommendations for older users

Hello WAI-AGE task force,

As mentioned yesterday, I have combed the collected material looking at
a) adults with specific functional impairments
b) design elements and older users
c) site type and older users
A few of them made specific recommendations (see attached document) but 
many of them just discussed the issues encountered without any 
suggestions for countering the problems.

This material, with a covering note high-lighting the findings, will be 
discussed in EOWG [1] this Friday. You may like to join this EO meeting 
if your schedule permits.


Andrew Arch
Web Accessibility and Ageing Specialist
W3C/ERCIM, Sophia Antipolis, France
Ph +33 (0)4 92 38 79 46

Received on Wednesday, 23 July 2008 14:31:17 UTC