No CG call today, next is August 9 and updates


I did not realize the calendar invitations expired on June 30. I'm 
recreating some new ones.

Next meeting will be August 9.

## Process 2023.1

Our previous resolution:
RESOLUTION: Propose Process 2023.1 to include only PR 733 and kick off 
AC Review no later than mid-August

This resolution has been adopted by the Advisory Board on July 6:
   *   The AB resolved to propose a Process 2023.1 to the AC to include 
only TAG size change.

Florian landed the pull request to do exactly so:

See also the editor's draft of the Process:

We're on track on track to kick off the AC review no later than mid-August.

## Process 2024

So far, from our June 28 meeting, in order of appearance [2], in those 
minutes, we have (*):
- Chartering: #182, #560, #580, #650, #651 (and, some overlap with #778)
- REC maintenance: #589, #590
- Is "Streamlined Publication Approval" [1] useful? (no issues?)
- 4 Is (Incubation, Implementation, Independent, Interoperable) : #157, 
#167, #522,  (and, some overlap with #409 #553). (Note: the AB made this 
one of their priorities and they will discuss it next week).
- Process is too long and too complicated (no issues?)

Any other topic that folks believe ought to be a priority?

I expect we'll need to make further tweaks to our recent Director-Free 


* issue numbers are my own, feel free to spot others or argue with the 
ones I listed

Received on Wednesday, 26 July 2023 14:08:37 UTC