They're changing Chairs at W3C Process…

I’ve been chairing the Process CG for quite a while now, and steered through a lot of tasks. I realized that the AB work is currently swamping me, and I’m not giving the Process the time it deserves. I also feel that after several years, a fresh look, and renewed vigor, make sense.

I am delighted to say that two people have agreed to step into my chairing shoes (wow, a badly mixed metaphor); Elika, one of the co-editors, and Philippe, from the team. I intend to continue to serve on the CG, and I will try to give the new chairs as much trou/////help as they have given me.

Please join me in congratulating (?) them on their new position, and giving them all the support we can.


* * * *

Completing what I started in the subject…

They're changing Chairs at W3C Process
  Philippe le Hegaret went down with Elika
We saw an editor doing a Github Pull
  Their workload looks Incredibly Full
     Says Elika

(with apologies to AA Milne, and I can’t find a suitable rhyme, sorry)

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple

Received on Thursday, 21 April 2022 23:02:13 UTC