Re: Agenda for the Process Call Wednesday 7 Oct 7am PDT

On Tue, 6 Oct 2020, David Singer wrote:

> The usual closers:
> 6) Next meeting. 28th Oct, I think.
> Can we meet the 7th Oct?

Some of you plan to, apparently.  The Privacy CG and Privacy IG are 
meeting with the Web Payments Security IG at that particular time, so 
I don't plan to join you.  :-)

(Also, October 28th is TPAC breakout week, with the scheduled slot 
(just one a day!) being at 10am EDT, so I really hope the Process CG 
is NOT planning to meet at its usual time on October 28th.)

-- Sam

Received on Wednesday, 7 October 2020 02:10:29 UTC