actions from this morning


      #16 Can we improve input from 'horizontal' groups (WAI, I18N, …)
      #21 Errata access from TR page
      #22 Do we need separate Errata and REC Track Processes?
      #25 How should consortia which are members of W3C nominate representatives and commit IPR?

      #3 was listed to merge with #12, #18, but I was wrong, it was about meeting policy; notice etc. I closed as it lacks both specific complaints and specific proposals

Merged #12, #18, into #67 about public input, non-members on member submissions, and non-WG members giving WG input

Merged #27 into #9 and closed #27, about representing more than one organization

David Singer
Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 23 August 2017 21:19:46 UTC