Re: August Meeting, doodle Poll, plz fill in

On 8/1/2017 4:58 PM, David Singer wrote:
> I picked the 15th at 10am Pacific, as all 5 responders can make that.
> I rather suspect I need newer shinier WebEx info after Ralph’s email of today. Stay tuned. I will send that out with an agenda before the end of the preceding week.  Feel free to ask me to put items on the agenda.
> I would like to review which edits are *completed* and which edits could be *agreed to* so we can schedule sending an informal draft to the AC. The door is rapidly closing on this round; get going github-wise if you want something in there.

I'm not sure I understand the process to get us to consensus.

I have been fairly active on issues #48 and #60, in both cases 
introducing proposed text for Process 2018.

In both cases there has been pushback and discussion.  Since only a 
handful of people are involved I don't think we can call "consensus" 
unless we have "unanimity".  I don't think we will get unanimity via a 
github discussion - we need to talk it out.  Do you plan to try to drive 
these two (and probably several others) to consensus during this call, 
or is there some other approach we will use (or are we pushing these to 
Process 2019)?

>> On Jul 27, 2017, at 15:09 , David Singer <> wrote:
>> whoops, I was supposed to have sent this before now.
>> <>
>> I included staying at the same time and doing without me, and I added some early options for the following week, up to and including holding the call one week late
>> (I’m on a plane on the 9th@9, so really unavailable).
>> Dave Singer
> Dave Singer

Received on Wednesday, 2 August 2017 12:38:56 UTC