w3process-ISSUE-173 (Affiliate Memberships): Affiliate Memberships are undefined in the Process Document [Process Document]

w3process-ISSUE-173 (Affiliate Memberships): Affiliate Memberships are undefined in the Process Document [Process Document]


Raised by: Steve Zilles
On product: Process Document

In the Process Document, section 2.1, the following paragraph appears,

"W3C does not have a class of membership tailored to, or priced for individuals. However, an individual may join W3C as an Affiliate Member. In this case the same restrictions pertaining to related Members apply when the individual also represents another W3C Member."

There are several problems with this paragraph:
1. This should be a Note because it is not normative text
2. There is no longer an Affiliate Member category, but instead there are many categories which differ based on country, type and annual revenue.

This paragraph needs to be reworded to make a useful suggestion to individuals wishing to join the W3C.

Received on Monday, 10 October 2016 21:23:34 UTC