Re: HTML spec comments not welcome via Internet mail?

- ylafon@, xiaoqian@

Hi Dan,

thanks for raising this.

In practice, issues noted to will still be tracked - more broadly, looking at the Working Group pages for the group that develops HTML now should tell you that there are several email lists it uses, and for what. But we prefer to have comments directed to github to simplify tracking. As you note, this means that W3C has outsourced e.g. its privacy policies, which is a decision that I understand as taken above the heads of chairs of individual working groups - and one that of course has some positive and some negative impacts.

I don't see any barrier to you telling whomsoever you want about issues you raise. But just as with mailing lists, expecting that replies will maintain the carbon copy list is inherently unreliable.


Chaals - as chair of Web Platform WG.

02.11.2016, 18:49, "Dan Connolly" <>:
> I went to find the email address where comments on the HTML spec are
> directed, but comments are only invited via github issues.
> So I have to, for example, agree to the github privacy policy to make
> a comment on the W3C HTML spec? And I can't cc any other email address
> nor bcc myself?
> I suppose this is consistent with W3C process, which only says
>   Every document published as part of the technical report development
> process must clearly indicate its maturity level, and must include
> information about the status of the document. This status information
> ...
>     - must state how to send comments or file bugs, and where these are recorded
> --
> Dan Connolly

Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex - - - Find more at

Received on Thursday, 3 November 2016 00:01:40 UTC