

The W3C Advisory Board meeting met last week and discussed several items 
that it would like the W3C Process CG to take up and bring into 
Process2016.  The hope would be to get sufficient progress that a final 
proposal can be discussed at the W3C Advisory Committee meeting during 
TPAC2016 in Lisbon.  The AB does not wish to limit the W3C Process CG to 
these topics, only to reflect that these topics should be ready for this 
year.  The topics are:

1. A consideration of whether to include a notion of an Obsolete spec 
(not to be confused with a rescinded spec) [1].
2. A new method to vote for AB and TAG Members [2].
3. Supergroups [3].
4. The existing CG discussion about Member organizations.

David Singer is exploring item (1) at the AB, I am exploring item (2), 
and Chaals and David are exploring item (3).  As you know, Alan Bird has 
been taking the lead for the team for item (4).

As of today, I don't know which (if any) will be available to discuss at 
the April Process CG meeting.  For my item, I can at least give a status 
update, although I don't know whether I will have a complete proposal.



Received on Monday, 28 March 2016 14:55:12 UTC