w3process-ISSUE-171 (Obsolete as Maturity Level): Provide a definition of an Obsolete Recommendation as a Maturity Level [Document life cycle (pre 2014 chapter 7, now chapter 6)]

w3process-ISSUE-171 (Obsolete as Maturity Level): Provide a definition of an Obsolete Recommendation as a Maturity Level [Document life cycle (pre 2014 chapter 7, now chapter 6)]


Raised by: Charles McCathie Nevile
On product: Document life cycle (pre 2014 chapter 7, now chapter 6)

Raised by Ian Jacobs in review of the draft: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2016Aug/0018.html

I propose the following definition:

An Obsolete Recommendation is a specification that W3C does not believe has sufficient market relevance to continue recommending that the community implement it, but does not consider that there are fundamental problems that require the Recommendation be Rescinded. It is possible for an Obsolete Recommendation to receive sufficient market uptake that W3C decides to restore it to Recommendation status. An Obsolete Recommendation has the same status as a W3C Recommendation with regards to W3C Royalty-Free IPR licenses granted under the Patent Policy.

Received on Sunday, 7 August 2016 12:29:37 UTC