Re: 2014 Process: WD -> CR difficulties

01.10.2014, 21:22, "Wayne Carr" <>:
> There could be a Call for Review public mail list. šReviews don't happen
> there (they happen where the post points people to send comments), but
> notifications do happen there. šSo people who don't want to follow the
> WG list but do want to know when there are significant drafts from any
> WG to review could subscribe to the notifications list. šThis would
> allow a WG to ask for review of a particular section or to say they
> think some section is finished.

That would be a very useful list to have and a helpful way to use it. I believe that is what timeless keeps asking for.

> If that became popular, having done notifications several times there
> could be some evidence of having sought wide review.

Except the process doesn't say "you have asked for wide review", it says you can show evidence that you *got* it.

It doesn't even say explicitly what wide is, because that differs according to the spec - some specs have a very wide audience, some don't.

The point is that if you have developed your spec in a small group, without many key stakeholders, and they are ignoring you, your spec is unlikely to be a success and it is therefore questionable whether we should make it a recommendation.

If you have developed it in a small group, and key stakeholders are waiting for you to be done, then a "last call" draft is the sort of signal you can use to get their review.

If you have developed it in a small group, and key stakeholders have reviewed each section as it stabilised, and tested and implemented it, then you should have a good time getting to CR, and indeed producing a successful Recommendation.

Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex - - - Find more at

Received on Thursday, 2 October 2014 10:20:05 UTC