Small number of process document questions

Hi Charles,

I was just rereading:

I have a few questions with implementation in mind:

 - 7.4 "The Director must announce the publication of a Candidate Recommendation to other W3C groups and to the public,
           and must begin an Advisory Committee Review of the specification."

    Is the expectation that there will be a WBS form starting at CR, or only at PR?

 - 7.7.1 ". A Working Group must report errata page changes to interested parties, notably when corrections are proposed or incorporated into an Edited Recommendation, according to the Team's requirements."

   a) How does the WG know who the interested parties are?
   b) What "Team requirements" are you referring to?



Ian Jacobs <>
Tel:                       +1 718 260 9447

Received on Saturday, 10 May 2014 03:27:02 UTC