Re: [Section 7.2.2] Draft for Last Call

One thought in-line ...

On 3/17/2014 7:41 PM, Wayne Carr wrote:
> Suggestions for a few clarifications (not essential - just a few
> improved wording suggestions).  The chapter looks very good.
> 2. Section 7.2.2
> "Because the requirements for First Public Working Drafts are fairly
> mechanical, approval is normally fairly automatic. For later stages,
> especially transition to Candidate or Proposed Recommendation, there is
> generally a formal review meeting to ensure the requirements have been
> met before Director's approval is given.  Note that for a First Public
> Working Draft there is no "previous maturity level"."
> Suggest:
> "For a First Public Working Draft there is no "previous maturity level",
> so many requirements do not apply and approval is normally fairly
> automatic.  For later stages, especially transition to Candidate or
> Proposed Recommendation, there is generally a formal review meeting to
> ensure the requirements have been met before Director's approval is given.
> Reason: In the current text, it isn't clear why the requirements are
> "mechanical".  It's because most of them are about documenting things
> that happened since a previous maturity level so they don't apply. 
> Theproposed  changes combines wording from the two sentences about FPWD
> and moves them together.  I think that's clearer.

I like your suggested reordering of the text.  If your proposal carries,
one further tweak to your text that I'd like is:

  "... and approval is normal /-fairly automatic-//+routine+/."

Rational: the Director may look at what the Status of This Document says
and ask the Working Group for some clarifications.  The approval of the
shortname is not always "automatic".


Received on Tuesday, 18 March 2014 01:16:04 UTC