Re: ACTION REQUIRED: Call for Consensus: Proposed Process Change Regarding TAG Participation Rules; Respond by December 8, 2014

On 12/12/14 09:29, wrote:

> But just as I have failed to convince you of my case, the people arguing
> that there is no problem and we should continue down the current path
> have failed to convince me that the change is worth making.

I just cannot believe you don't see value in that change.

Tell that to Alex Russell and explain him why he was a valuable elected
TAG member on the 8th of january 2014 and had to resign on the 30th
of june because someone ELSE was elected on the 9th of january?
Explain all ACs why they elected a TAG member who could not serve
there? I'm dead serious, tell me why there is a regulation forcing an
individual I elected as a Member to resign for reasons 100%
outside of the scope of his own actions, tell me why that rule is
stronger than my vote as a Member of this Consortium, and tell me how
this is not a big issue for my Member's benefits.


Received on Friday, 12 December 2014 09:56:16 UTC