Re: Action needed: Proposal to change the name of this CG

Thank you to everyone who responded to this CFC.

The proposal to rename this CG to the "Inclusion and Diversity Community 
Group" received only positive support, and no objections.

I will ask the W3C to change the name of this CG.

On 02/11/2018 15:01, Léonie Watson wrote:
> At our meeting at TPAC, we agreed to change the name of this Community 
> Group (CG) from W3C Women to W3C Inclusion. Since then, the name W3C 
> Diversity and Inclusion has been proposed.
> If you want the name of this CG to be W3C Diversity and Inclusion, 
> please reply to this email with a +1 at the top.
> If you want the name of this CG to be W3C Inclusion, please reply to 
> this email with a -1 at the top.
> If you don't feel strongly, or do not want to participate in the 
> decision, please reply to this email with a 0 at the top.
> You don't have to reply at all, but it's really helpful if you do. If 
> you prefer to respond privately, you are welcome to send your response 
> to me directly to this email address).
> Please respond by the end of your day on Friday 9 November 2018.
> Thank you.

@LeonieWatson Carpe diem

Received on Tuesday, 13 November 2018 10:34:34 UTC