Re: Agenda for TPAC


To be clear, everyone is welcome to attend the TPAC meeting of W3C 
Women. As one of the members of the CG put it:
"At the W3C, I've found many people, regardless of gender/age/status,
that are capable of understanding the need and are capable of 
troubleshooting solutions... I want those people in my corner, not 
isolated from me."

So whether you identify as a woman or not, you are welcome to 
participate in the meeting, and help us shape the CG and explore ways to 
continue building diversity at W3C.


On 12/08/2018 14:15, Léonie Watson wrote:
> Everyone,
> We have a two hour meeting on Monday 22nd October, at TPAC in Lyon. It 
> would be good to start putting together a simple agenda, so we can make 
> good use of that time.
> I've pulled out suggestions made in earlier emails to this CG, and put 
> them below (in no particular order):
> - Motivation for this CG.
> - Discovering this CG.
> - Discovering useful things like the Code of Ethics and Professional 
> Conduct [1].
> - Helping/encouraging/supporting each other.
> - Encouraging/helping/supporting greater gender/gender identification 
> diversity at W3C.
> - Enabling participation (childcare/other).
> I realise this last one is relevant to anyone who is a parent, but have 
> included it as something this CG might be able to lead on to the benefit 
> of many.
> I'm sure there will be other things of interest, so please feel free to 
> add things to this list. We can then start to frame an agenda.
> Thanks.
> Léonie.
> [1]

@LeonieWatson Carpe diem

Received on Thursday, 16 August 2018 08:07:04 UTC