from April to June 2016 by subject

discussion on annotations and abuse, HTML+ARIA conformance checker, Web Payments, Web of Things, W3C and IDPF

HTML Manifest, Web Payments, ideas to specs, hardware-based secure services, Annotation, Accessibility, WWW2016, Brazil Cybercrimes Bill, WebRTC,

HTML5.1, W3C at WWW2016, Hardware-based Secure Services CG, W3Cx, Payment Request API, Tim Berners-Lee edX on IoT, image descriptions

Sensors API, RDF-based annotations, Battery Status API, Device APIs WG, HTML new co-editor, CSS, W3Cx

TBL birthday, W3Cx, Web Authentication, Data on the Web Best Practices, Decentralized Web, W3C20 ASIA, Jean-François Abramatic

TimBL and IDPFDigiCon; Blockchain workshop; licenses and obligations WG; Javascript API; Web Payments; WebAuth; W3Cx in India; ePUB, W3C and IDPF

w3cx, Blockchain workshop, HTML5, secure services, Jeff Jaffe at Conference PIC, extension API

W3Cx, Data on the Web Best Practices, WAI Perspective videos, Web Annotation, WebRTC, TimBL on publishing, Shadi Abou-Zahra, Web Payments, W3C-IDPF

W3Cx, Javascript API, Webmention, Blockchain workshop, IoT, Jeff Jaffe CSAIL Alliance, TTML, Data Sharing on the Web

web mention, Payment Request API, Web App Manifest spec, web design, HTML 5.1

WebVR, <h1>, html5canvas, UK Ireland Office, Speech Synthesis API, IoT, W3Cx

Last message date: Monday, 13 June 2016 17:55:46 UTC