- From: Amy van der Hiel <amy@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2015 17:12:10 -0400
- To: public-w3c-digest@w3.org
- Cc: Amy van der Hiel <amy@w3.org>, Coralie Mercier <coralie@w3.org>
This is the 14 - 21 September 2015 edition of the "weekly digest of news and trends" that the W3C Communications Team prepares for the W3C Membership and public-w3c-digest mailing list [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3c-digest/ 1) W3C, Web and HTML5 related Twitter trends ==================================== [What was tweeted frequently, caught my attention, etc. - with most *popular* first (popularity in this context via the Topsy “more” notes relevance count)] 15 September 2015 @macst3r Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2 Draft Published w3.org/blog/news/arch… https://twitter.com/w3c/status/643793967453204480 (with 20 more interactions) 15 September 2015 @jensimmons First Public Working Draft: CSS Page Floats w3.org/blog/news/arch… https://twitter.com/w3c/status/643793962009001984 (with 19 more interactions) 15 September 2015 @andrewrota In light of letsencrypt.org/2015/09/14/our…, lots of talk at W3C TAG panel about lowering the cost of https certificates to nearly zero. @w3cdevs https://twitter.com/AndrewRota/status/643569476567478273 (with 18 more interactions) 15 September 2015 @doctorow Exuberant door at the @w3c pic.twitter.com/2OgcB8ebwv https://twitter.com/doctorow/status/643590301395910658 (with 10 more interactions) 2) Other news: (open web and net neutrality) ================================== * Web companies are fighting in court for the FCC’s net neutrality rules 21 September 2015 by Brian Fung Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2015/09/21/internet-companies-are-rushing-to-defend-the-fccs-net-neutrality-rules-in-court/ 3) W3C and W3C technologies in the Press (or blogs) ========================================= 2 articles [Most recent first. Find keywords on our Press clippings page: http://www.w3.org/Press/Articles ] * Microsoft Insider Preview releases with browser-based Skype on Edge 20 September 2015 The Hoops News http://www.thehoopsnews.com/2015/09/20/8393/microsoft-insider-preview-releases-with-browser-based-skype-on-edge/ * GitHub Implements Subresource Integrity to Better Protect Itself from XSS Attacks 19 September 2015 Softpedia by Catalin Cimpanu http://news.softpedia.com/news/github-implements-subresource-integrity-to-better-protect-itself-from-xss-attacks-492142.shtml -- Amy van der Hiel W3C/MIT 32 Vassar Street, G532 Cambridge, MA 02139 USA phone: +1.617.253.5628 amy@w3.org
Received on Monday, 21 September 2015 21:12:13 UTC