from April to June 2015 by subject

#HonoringWebFolk, Web and TV, W3Cx, Net Neutrality in India, DNT, WebRTC, HTML5

AIRA, WebApps, HTML5, Web Payments, Net Neutrality, GeoSemantics, Gottlieb Duttweiler Prize, HTTPS, Clipboard API

Data on the Web, Developer Tools, Web of Things, HTML5, MathML 3.0, Paris Web, the Future of the Web

Data on the Web, Software and Document License, Digital Publishing, Accessibility, Net Neutrality, HTML5 and edX

digital publishing, SDTimes, WCAG, Digital Health, HTML5, W3Cx, DevTools, Net Neutrality, Berners-Lee statue

HTML5, a11y, W3C 20 Europe, Net Neutrality, OpenStand, DOM

Media WG, Generic Sensor API, HTTPS, Net Neutrality, HTML5, Software and Document License

Reading W3C Specs, Validation Service, Net Neutrality, HTML5, HTTPS. Web Payments, Standardization, Open Web

RIAA, Web Payments, pervasive surveillance, Net Neutrality, CSV, HTTPS

W3C in numbers, CSV on the Web, Aria in HTML, EPUB, online advertising, Net Neutrality, HTML5, Web fonts, Firefox 38, Web RTC, Extensible Web

Web of Things, YouTube Live Streams HTML5 Playback, apology, Net Neutrality, spatial data access

WebRTC, DOM4, Automotive, World Wide What, Security, Contacts Manager, Net Neutrality, HTML5

Weekly digest of W3C news and trends: W3C MOOCs and EdX, Trust on the Web, JS and HTML6, New Tools, DNT, Automotive

Last message date: Monday, 29 June 2015 20:11:40 UTC