- From: Coralie Mercier <coralie@w3.org>
- Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 19:55:02 +0200
- To: public-w3c-digest@w3.org
This is the 29 August - 5 September 2014 edition of a “weekly digest of W3C news and trends" that the W3C Communications Team prepares for the W3C Membership and public-w3c-digest mailing list (publicly archived [1]) [sent separately]. This digest aggregates information about W3C from online media, a snapshot of how W3C and its work is perceived in online media. [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3c-digest/ 1) W3C and HTML5 related Twitter trends ======================================= [Things that were tweeted frequently, things that caught my attention, etc. Most *recent* first] * W3C Advisory Committee Elects Mark Nottingham to Technical Architecture Group <http://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/4043> * W3C Publishes Linked Data Platform Best Practices and Guidelines <http://semanticweb.com/w3c-publishes-linked-data-platform-best-practices-guidelines_b44199> * Extensive threads of accusation against W3C for forking WHATWG specs <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Aug/thread.html#msg131> <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2014Sep/thread.html#msg0> * The Web Standards We Need: Part I Tightening the Feedback Loop; Part II Guilds/CGs++ <https://twitter.com/briankardell/status/507147444459933696> <https://twitter.com/briankardell/status/507541291497168896> * Join @IEEESA @internetsociety @w3c @ietf @iab in celebrating two years of #OpenStand http://shar.es/11fdiv Stand with us! <https://twitter.com/w3c/status/505313419898003456> 1.5) And, on the lighter side ============================= * “Oh, so those WHATWG folks didn’t mean to make W3C look like the reasonable grown-ups everyone would rather deal with? Well shit. That’s awkward.” <http://w3cmemes.tumblr.com/post/96552556347/condescending-wonka-cant-recall-seeing-so-many> 2) Open Web & net neutrality ============================ Fight For The Future: Battle for the Net! The Internet Slowdown starts at midnight eastern time on September 10th, and runs through midnight on September 11th. The point is to remind everyone what an Internet without net neutrality would look like, and drive record numbers of emails and calls to lawmakers. The goal is to drive as many emails and calls to Congress, the White House, and the FCC as possible. <https://www.battleforthenet.com/sept10th/> BBC Horizon 2014-2015 Episode 4: Inside the Dark Web [58:57], 3 September # Featuring interviews with the inventor of the world wide web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, and the co-founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, Horizon delves inside the 'dark web'. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTjNkbLBEqg> Gigaom: Don’t like Facebook owning and controlling your content? Use tools that support the open Web, 3 September <http://gigaom.com/2014/09/03/dont-like-facebook-owning-and-controlling-your-content-use-tools-that-support-the-open-web/> 3) W3C in the Press (or blogs): =============================== 22 articles since the 11-Jul Digest. A selection follows. You may read all articles in our Press Clippings page: http://www.w3.org/Press/Articles [Most recent first. title, source (date), link. Find keywords on our Press clippings page: http://www.w3.org/Press/Articles ] How a new HTML element will make the Web faster Ars Technica (2 September) http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/09/how-a-new-html-element-will-make-the-web-faster/ Microsoft, Google and Hookflash establish real-time communications specification The Inquirer (21 August) http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2361383/microsoft-google-and-hookflash-establish-real-time-communications-specification Google's Blink Not Implementing W3C Pointer Events I Programmer (18 August) http://www.i-programmer.info/news/86-browsers/7658-googles-blink-not-implementing-w3c-pointer-events.html World Wide Web Consortium(W3C) on transforming the automotive experience with HTML5 Telematics Wire (12 August) http://telematicswire.net/world-wide-web-consortiumw3c-on-transforming-the-automotive-experience-with-html5/ Social networking built into the Web? W3C gives it a go CNET (21 July) http://www.cnet.com/news/w3c-tries-building-social-networking-into-the-web/ -- Coralie Mercier - W3C Communications Team - http://www.w3.org mailto:coralie@w3.org +336 4322 0001 http://www.w3.org/People/CMercier/
Received on Friday, 5 September 2014 17:55:04 UTC