- From: Coralie Mercier <coralie@w3.org>
- Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 16:58:03 +0100
- To: public-w3c-digest@w3.org
This is the 24-31 January 2014 edition of a “weekly digest of W3C news and trends" that the W3C Communications Team prepares for the W3C Membership and public-w3c-digest mailing list (publicly archived [1]) [sent separately]. This digest aggregates information about W3C from online media, a snapshot of how W3C and its work is perceived in online media. [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3c-digest/ 1) W3C and HTML5 related Twitter buzz ===================================== [Things that were tweeted frequently, things that caught my attention, etc. Most *recent* first (popularity is flagged with the figure between parenthesis —that is the number of times the same URIs or tweet was quoted/RTed.)] * (44) W3C Community Group: HTML for email Community Group <http://www.w3.org/community/htmail/> * (18) Net awards 2014: Test The Web Forward nominated a Game Changer of the year <https://thenetawards.com/vote/game-changer/test-the-web-forward/> * (15) W3C Blog: W3C honoured in 2014 net Awards technology nominations, by Coralie Mercier <http://www.w3.org/blog/2014/01/w3c-honoured-in-2014-net-awards-technology-nominations/> * (274) mnot’s blog: Nine Things to Expect from HTTP/2 <http://www.mnot.net/blog/2014/01/30/http2_expectations> * (22) W3C Blog: Creating the future of Web and TV, by Daniel Davis <http://www.w3.org/blog/2014/01/web-tv-future/> * (25) #web25: 2014, the year the Web turns 25 <http://topsy.com/s?q=%23Web25&window=w> * (65) Clubic: W3C: vers une standardisation du paiement sur Internet (W3C: towards standardization of Internet payment) <http://pro.clubic.com/creation-de-site-web/langage-programmation/html-5/actualite-615058-w3c-standardisation-paiement-internet.html> * (31) NFC World: W3C publishes draft NFC API <http://www.nfcworld.com/2014/01/29/327687/w3c-publishes-draft-nfc-api/> * (100) The HTML Landscape <http://www.w3.org/html/landscape/> * (22) Vidcast: TPN.tv - W3C 25th Anniversary Celebration and What the Next 25 Looks Like, interview of Jeff Jaffe at CES <http://tpn.tv/2014/01/27/w3c-25th-anniversary-celebration-and-what-the-next-25-looks-like/> * (38) T3N: Sauberer Code: Die Validator-Suite von W3C im t3n-Test (Clean code: The Validator Suite of W3C in t3n-Test) <http://t3n.de/news/sauberer-code-validator-suite-523072/> * (51) Podcast: The Big Web Show - Bring Me The Head Of Tim Berners-Lee, Robin Berjon talked with Jeffrey Zeldman about EME, DRM, MPAA, and W3C <http://www.muleradio.net/thebigwebshow/109/> 2) Net Neutrality & Open Web ============================ Mashable: The Fight to Save Net Neutrality: 1 Million Signatures and Counting, 30 January 2014 <http://mashable.com/2014/01/30/fcc-net-neutrality-petition/> Huffington Post: Netflix's Battle For Net Neutrality Could Look Like This, 27 January 2014 <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/27/netflix-net-neutrality_n_4655717.html> EFF: Why the FCC Can't Actually Save Net Neutrality, 27 January 2014 <https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/01/why-the-fcc-cant-save-net-neutrality> 3) W3C in the Press (or blogs): =============================== 10 articles this week. A selection follows [Most recent first. title, source (date), link. Find keywords on our Press clippings page: http://www.w3.org/Press/Articles ] An interview with Australian accessibility pioneer Dr Andrew Arch Access iQ (31 January) http://www.accessiq.org/news/w3c-column/2014/01/an-interview-with-australian-accessibility-pioneer-dr-andrew-arch Le W3C fédère l’écosystème du paiement en ligne autour de HTML5 (W3C brings together the ecosystem of online payment around HTML5) ITespresso.fr (30 January) http://www.itespresso.fr/w3c-federe-ecosysteme-paiement-ligne-html5-72234.html Pointer Events Progress: Mozilla and Blink Communities Reach a Significant Engineering Milestone Microsoft Open Technologies (30 January) http://msopentech.com/blog/2014/01/30/pointer-events-progress-mozilla-blink-communities-reach-significant-engineering-milestone/ W3C publishes draft NFC API NFC World (29 January) http://www.nfcworld.com/2014/01/29/327687/w3c-publishes-draft-nfc-api/ Amazon Appstore Now Allows Developers To Charge For HTML5 Web Apps, Promote Them Through “Free App Of The Day” TechCrunch (28 January) http://techcrunch.com/2014/01/28/amazon-appstore-now-allows-developers-to-charge-for-html5-web-apps-promote-them-through-free-app-of-the-day/ «Mir missfallen Überwachung und Zensur» ("I am displeased surveillance and censorship") Cash (20 January) http://www.cash.ch/news/alle/mir_missfallen_ueberwachung_und_zensur-3163132-448 -- Coralie Mercier - W3C Communications Team - http://www.w3.org mailto:coralie@w3.org +336 4322 0001 http://www.w3.org/People/CMercier/
Received on Friday, 31 January 2014 15:58:05 UTC